Tuesday, August 20, 2013

August 2013...UPDATE!

MY MY MY, how fast time flies....with all my good intentions, I seem to be lousy at keeping up with my blog. I apologize to anyone who may choose to read on occasion! The Good news is, it's been an incredibly rewarding and transforming year--mentally, physically, and spiritually. I continue on with Zumba class, and even managed to continue class through the summer--which I didn't think would be possible due to my busy work schedule. I am reminded--with God, all things are possible!  I finally made it to the 100 club--for the first time since my son was born 34 years ago, I am below 200 pounds! No dieting, and no gimmicks! Making better choices in the foods I consume, and remaining consistent to working out has been the key to my success (and how many times have we heard this, right). I love my Zumba class--the women who are my "regulars" encourage me and are making great strides towards their own wholeness. Zumba has opened new doors of ministry for me, it's more than just an exercise/dance class. Leading children's ministry has also been very rewarding. We produced a spring musical that was our best to date, and this week we audition for our upcoming Christmas presentation, and I can't wait. We also adopted Kennedy Elementary School, and handed out over 1200 packs of school supplies to kids in our region. My knees still hurt, but I press through the pain and choose to keep moving as long as I can. I guess that's my quick update. Be blessed today. Take life one day at a time--in His steps...in my shoes.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Good Morning, and a BELATED Happy New Year...

     One of my resolutions this year is to be more consistent with my blog writing--even if no one reads, I think it is important to journal the goodness of GOD at work in our lives. There are several events that have enriched my life (and I think the lives of others) in the last few months. One of them is teaching a new co-ed Sunday School class with a very wise friend. It is not your typical "master-teacher" style class. Instead, we sit in a circle with our students--and we each take a point in turn of the lesson. I am learning so much about how God speaks to us, and more importantly how every story in Scripture points us to God's plan for all human-kind--the plan to send His One and Only Son into the world, so that HE could redeem us back to Himself.
     Zumba classes have resumed, and I must say, it's become quite an unexpected new ministry for me!  When I pray before I go to sleep, the faces of students in my class come before my mind, so I pray for God to help them become more fit--so that we can all be the "temples" our bodies are supposed to be, for in us, is the Spirit of God! Teaching Zumba class is helping me stay committed to my own fitness goals. I'm about 35 lbs. away from reaching my goal weight, and I am striving each day to make better choices from the many many delectable items all around us...
     I have not perfected this self-discipline I am striving to reach, no...not by far. But I am closer than when I first began!  This time last year, I began this blog as I began a journey of running with kids in my ministry. I loved it so much, and was sure that running would be a part of my future. Ha! Little did I know that my knees would protest loudly, or that God would use "The Amazing Grace Race", and the fitness schedule we created would lead me to Zumba! Who knew "Fatty Kathy" (laughing at myself)  would be able to earn her license to teach and be leading others just one short year down the road? I know who knew. God knew. He holds our futures in His hands, and directs our paths--for HE has plans for every one who has placed their hope in Him (Jeremiah 29:11).  We are 22 days into the new year--I am excited to see where God leads me next--are you?
    Well, I have many to-do's on my list today, and Zumba class at 6:00 pm. You'll find me leading class this evening, LOL, that's for sure! I'll be dancing in my shoes, walking in His steps. Stay tuned.

Love and hugs,
February...the month to celebrate LOVE...but then again--isn't every month?  I'm having ZUMBA class on Thursday, February 14th. One thing I've learned during the past months is that it really is important to love yourself, and to take time to take care every aspect of your being--physical, mental and spiritual. I'm not saying I've mastered the art by far, but I can say I am making progress! Consistency--making healthier choices at meal times, exercising, and keeping up with Scripture and prayer time are changing me, from the INSIDE Out. I'm watching transformation happen in more than just my self. It is amazing to me to see the transformation in members of my Zumba class. One of my students has lossed 40 lbs since last September. Several others have lost 20 plus pounds.  Finding an activity you enjoy is one key to success, that's for sure! So love yourself enough to get moving! I'll check back in with you soon, dancing in His steps--in MY shoes...
Happy Valentine's Day,

Thursday, November 8, 2012

I'm back...

Well, I surely have procrastinated a LOT regarding my blog-writing. Not that I have a lot of readers, but I do want to make a committment to write frequently. I do have some updates to share! First of all...I'm still not back to running yet. After my hip flexor injury, my knees flared up--really bad. I've had injections of EUFLEXA and STEROIDS...and on some days i do better than others. My P.A. thinks I might even be able to begin my running program if I continue improving. Considering I have bone spurs and cysts in both of my knees, I'll take that as a positive!
Being the wild girl at heart that I am, I didn't let my inability to run keep me from being an active person. In fact on July 29th, I took a HUGE leap of faith and signed up to be licensed to become a teacher of Zumba. Yep. Zumba. WHO KNEW???? I guess God did. I feared I wouldn't pass the class, but I did. I began my first classes in September, and it has become a new ministry for me. So far this year, I've lost a total of 50 pounds. With the holidays approaching, my plan is continue exercising and make the best choices available when it comes to FOOD. I have a new mind set, and although I've not been perfect (who is???) I think I can say that for the first time in my life, I've not let my setbacks keep me from getting back up, and trying again. I have more to share about my Zumba class, but I'll do that again, real soon! Just wanted you to know that I'm here, walking in His steps, in my (zumba) shoes....Love and Hugs, Kathy :0)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sidelined, but NOT out of the game!

Hey 12 followers! Everyday I tell myself "I'll update my blog today", and then everyday...I get really busy and seem to run out of time. Sound familiar? To the 12 of you who check out my posts, I do apologize for the several week delay of my meandering thoughts!  UPDATE on my running progress, long over due, so here it goes!

Somewhere about 3 weeks ago, I had made it to the three mile mark, being able to run 3 miles with no walking breaks in-between. Yes, I am feeling great about this huge victory, let me tell you!  A friend of mine noticed me huffing around the indoor track and asked a simple question, "Do you run the same direction every time?"  "Yes", I responded--then, "why do you ask"? She goes on to inform me that she had heard you should switch directions when you run on a track, as you use different muscles for each direction. That made a lot of sense to me, why didn't I know that, I ask myself, lol!  So I switched directions. I'll try to explain what happend. Somewhere about the 2 mile mark, I felt this burning, searing sensation in my left hip. I thought I had a severe cramp--although I'd never had leg cramps that high. I stopped momentarily and tried to stretch it out, but that didn't seem to work so well, so (being the tough girl I am lol) I finished my 3 miles limping away and in quite a bit of pain. It seems the right side of my body was quite used to running 3 miles and taking the turns as they came. The left side of my body had never done the couch potato to a 3K training thing. I haven't been to the doctor--but I have talked to two personal trainers (not my own, but I wish)...both of them say that my symptoms and pain sound like a torn muscle. Three weeks later, I'm still feeling it. I walk a little better with my hip muscle in the grip of my left hand...but I do feel I am healing. I am down, but not out!!! I will admit that the morning after my injury I cried like a baby. Just when I felt I was really making progress, and actually beginning to ENJOY working out--bam! The only place I ever ran to before this project was to the table. So I've had to switch up my work-out routines as I recover. I can still ZUMBA with-out the jumps and the left side of me doesn't rotate quite as easily, but I'm hanging in there. I did carefully run on an outdoor trail this past Monday, and pushed myself to do 2 miles...but I'm not back up to speed yet, and I know I must be patient and let my body heal.

Today is Thursday, and I plan to go to a Zumba class this evening, and keep moving easily as I can, and persevere. I really want to run a race with my 6 year old grand-son in July. I'm keeping my eye on that goal!  I am determined to see this through, and even with an injury I am in better physical shape than I was before I began. I take comfort and encourage ment from God's Word--from verses like Isaiah 41:10: Do not fear, for I am with you: do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you: I will uphold you with my righteous right hand....

I have no explanation for how I am continuing other than I feel God's presence spurring me onward and upward! Last week, I was privileged to visit my son in NYC, and also got to enjoy his gym membership as a guest at LIFETIME FITNESS center. OH MY what a glorious place. A sweet trainer there really helped me (thanks Marie). I used some new machines--and my oh my loved the hot tub and steam room. Who knew???? Life is good, even with an injury--and so I continue on, in HIS steps, and in my shoes. Limping for the Lord, you might say, haha. Stay tuned. God isn't finished with me yet!  Kathy

Monday, March 19, 2012

OK, lesson learned. Those NIKE shoes I talked about earlier--definately not for runners. On a good note I was able to return them for a full refund at KOHL's...and I was honest about having tried them out on an indoor track. The clerk was so kind--and laughed as he replied "Yeah, those shoes are just not what you need if you are a serious runner". Really! I wish someone would tell NIKE that. I mean--they advertise these as running shoes right? NOT!  So I asked some runner friends of mine, and ended up with a pair of Brooks, along with an extra insole, purchased separately, but worth it. Last Monday and today, I ran 3 continous miles. Never ran 3 miles at one time in my life. I have a few families who are still working out at our indoor track--but most have either decided to stay outdoors, or they have other obligations with their children--such as soccer, baseball, flag football, and who knows what else, haha. It's all good. I'm doing my best to stay committed and active. I'm learning the meaning of perserverence in a very real way and also continuing to focus on two other aspects of my physical wholeness: 1)healthy food, and 2) spiritural growth & reflection. I'm reading "NOT A FAN"...and realize more and more that followers of Jesus are called to follow Him...not just sit on the sidelines. I want to be a follower in every aspect of my life, even if it's difficult. As for food, I made the best turkey chili tonight. I was starving, lol, after my run, and unfortunately had two bowls of my healthy chili topped off with some greek yogurt. Black cherry greek yogurt spells DESSERT for me! My chili recipe has four different kinds of beans: black, white, dark red kidney's, and red beans. Dang. I forgot my BEANO before. I'm thankful I won't be leading a group tomorrow, lol. Signing off, in His steps, in MY shoes...my new Brooks!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Making Strides...

Hey readers! Strange, but I posted about our 1st week of March--and I realize I used a different email last week by mistake, who knows where it was sent? Oh well! I'll begin again, and see if I can find a copy of my other post in between. Verse for the week: Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen.
I'm not sure what this verse may mean to you--but as i was running this week, I imagined myself on the last mile of a marathon--and envisioning myself crossing the finish line. I am working towards a goal--and although I am far from being a long distance runner, I am a lot closer than I was six weeks ago as I jogged 60 seconds, walked 60 seconds. Faith is a gift from God--it is believing in what we can NOT see, but living out our lives as if it is reality.

This week of workouts: Monday March 5th: Noticible decline in attendance. The faithful were there--those of us who are training for our 5k race. I ran two miles (consecutive laps), first time to ever accomplish such a FEET (pun-intended) lol. Honestly I was quite emotional as I finished that last lap, and as some of my parents and kids cheered me on (Thanks Wolfe Family)...I can't tell you how much that helped--and how AMAZING it felt! 

Wednesday May 7th:  We had more show up to work out together, and we not only walk/ran on the track, but also did our Dance X video tother. I repeated two consecutive miles of jogging on Wednesday, plus walked another mile--then joined in the video for another 30 minutes of exercise--and my feet were feeling it (ok--my entire body was feeling it)...

Lesson learned: I paid $54 for those Nike shoes a couple of weeks ago. If anything, they are worse than the shoes I already had when it comes to support and cushioning.  I asked a friend who is now an avid runner and she explained to me that there are some good brands of running shoes to be found--more expensinve (figured that) but much better for the human feet. I plan sometime next week to go to a local busines "FLEET FEET" and run on a treadmill so they can see my "gait" and reccomend shoes that will work best for me. I know this is a MUST DO...and I continue to learn more as I continue on my journey. I also weighed today, and dropped 4 pounds this week. That alone encourages me to keep running--and keep exercising! 

I had posted last week about my first Zumba experience. LOVED IT...Loved it so much I went to Mrs. Leigh Sextion's Saturday class, and loved it some more! AWESOME FUN--I sweat profusely, but it doesn't really seem like exercise, just dance, praise and fun! The gym was full, so I am assuming this is new news only to me.  So lesson for this week:
  1. Don't buy cheap Nike shoes from kohl's if you are serious about running--bad move
  2.  Have fun with exercise.
  3. Keep going--in His steps, in MY shoes!
Love and More Later...Kathy